The Romany Princess

This was my first published novel and this is how it came about. When I was growing up, my mother used to tell me tales of her own childhood, growing up in one room in the East End of London.

There was my mother and her two sisters, her brother and her mother, and they all lived in one room. They had no running water, no heating save the coal fired range, and only one bed, but two mattresses. One would go onto the floor at night.

One of Mum's sisters was working, but her and her young sister and brother were still at school.

Her brother got himself into trouble when he was fifteen and was sent off to a youth camp up north. There was no rehabilitation then, only punishment, and he never returned. His death in such a faraway place was the beginning of the damage to my grandmother's mental state.

I based my story on those tales, so while a lot of it is true, there is an equal amount that is fiction. I wonder if my readers can work out which is which or perhaps you have a story about your own mother's memories. If you do, we would love to read about it and publish it on this website.

The story revolves around a one hundred year old lady, relating her life story to her young great niece. The lady in the tale is based on my mother; the lady on the cover is also my mother, in 1924 when she was nineteen.

My grandmother was Romany, hence the title of the book, and I do hope you enjoy The Romany Princess. It is available in kindle, paperback and audible.

Do you have a Tale from your Mother's Stories?

Did your mother or father, or Gran or Grandad, talk to you about their own childhood? Do you think you could make up a story based on their memories? Or perhaps you would just like to tell everyone about those memories.

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Copyright 2022 by Margaret Brazear