To Catch a Demon
A historical romance novel 

Us females might look to those long lost gorgeous gowns with envy, but we would not really have enjoyed living in the past.

Women were considered property and that law persisted right up until the twentieth century. Did you know that rape within marriage was not outlawed in the United Kingdom until 1991? I was astonished when I discovered that.

So, imagine being Lady Diana, a young woman from a royalist family who had managed to live quietly and remotely throughout the civil war and Cromwell's republic.

That is until a group of deserter roundheads turned up one, abused and murdered Diana's entire family, all except Diana herself.

The leader forced Diana into marriage so he could get control over her property. You see, back then, and again right into the twentieth century, when a woman married, everything she owned lawfully passed to her husband.

Jasper was a cruel bully who made her life a misery. He was also one of the Parliamentarians who had put his name to the late King's death warrant and was terrified when he heard the news that the new King, Charles II, was coming back to take up his rightful place on the throne of England and Scotland, Wales and Ireland. 

King Charles had sworn to hunt down the men who had signed his father's death warrant and Jasper decides to flee before that happens.

I have been told that To Catch A Demon is a novel full of exciting twists and turns. I hope you agree.


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Copyright 2022 by Margaret Brazear