About Me

My Name is Margaret Brazear and I am a writer of fiction books.

I was fortunate enough to win the awards on the right for Best Historical Novels and Best Romance Novels in 2017 and 2018. These are awards for which I was nominated by other industry professionals, writers, editors, designers and the like and I am very proud of them. Unfortunately those awards are no longer offered.

My name is Margaret Rose, named after the princess by my four elder brothers. That was in 1948, not too long after the second world war and my parents had lived through that and the first one.

They were born to poor families in the East End of London and my mother had some colourful tales to tell. Those tales were enough to get the imagination of a storyteller pumping. I have always made up stories, ever since I can remember, and I love to imagine a character or two, put them onto a page and see where they go.

My first book was based on those tales my mother used to tell me, about growing up in one room with a brother and sisters and a single mother, my grandfather having peed off and left them to get on with it. My grandmother was a Romany and she used to take in laundry, as well as scrubbing doorsteps and making lace, in order to keep them all fed. No help in those days, no aid save the workhouse and it seemed that anything was better than that.

I have three grown up children, three grandchildren (two of whom are adult) and two great grandsons.

Although I love writing and weaving a tale, my first love is animals and I love dogs. I have grown up with dogs, big ones, and the love of my life right now is my beautiful Golden Retriever, Jemima.

I hope you enjoy my website and my stories. They are all available on Kindle or paperback and some are available in audible. Feel free to contact me if you want to know anything at all.

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Copyright 2022 by Margaret Brazear